what giant squid eat

what giant squid eat
15.01.2009 · Best Answer: Colossal squid, also called Antarctic cranch squid, live near Antarctic at depths of a mile or even two miles. Scientists do not know what it
08.06.2008 · Has this even happened before? I hear that Giant squid eat their own so can they eat human?? Anyone know some facts I'm just curious about these big
What Do Colossal Squids Eat Do Giant Squids Eat Humans
What do colossal squid eat - The Q&A wiki
Giant Squid | Ocean Portal | Smithsonian
Can a Giant Squid really eat a human?.
what giant squid eat
vivadiversa - Giant SquidWhat do squid eat - The Q&A wiki
the colossal squids tentacles are used to fight off the large sperm whales trying to hunt it. the squid also eats small fish or other squid that dwell down in the
All the squid I know of eat shrimp, cod, herring, and sometimes plankton. All squid are carnivorous. Larger squid, such as the Colossal Squid / Giant Squid will eat
Can a Giant Squid really eat a human?.

Giant squid are elusive deep-sea animals with razor-toothed suckers and eyes the size of dinner plates. Images, videos, and facts from around the world.